please acknowledge upon receipt

‘This is a friendly reminder that there is ongoing Stop Sales request in accordance to the details provided below. Please acknowledge upon receipt of this email.’ Use of kindly is telling the person that he tells it in a kind manner, so the word please is

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RecentX is a launcher designed to make the applications, files, folders and anything else you need, more readily available on your system. With RecentX, you can access any file, folder or website in ...

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  • send a receipt by return 寄回收據 expenses and receipts 支出和收入 acknowledge the receipt of (a le...
    香港新浪網 - 字典 - receipt
  • 2010年8月17日 - Depends on who you received it from. If it's from someone you know, then...
    "Please kindly acknowledge receipt of this email message"? | Yahoo ...
  • 這不是文法問題, 而是英文常用法問題, 我還真未聽過這樣用passive voice的, 應該用active voice. Sam acknowledged receipt of ...
    Acknowledge receipt | Yahoo 知識+
  • to acknowledge the problem of muslim fundamentalism at all [譯] 以致於完全無法承認 ... , deem, defra...
    acknowledge 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
  • I would way: Please let me know if you receive this email. Please confirm your receipt of ...
    Acknowledgement of receipt | WordReference Forums
  • ‘This is a friendly reminder that there is ongoing Stop Sales request in accordance to the...
    Do i say kindly acknowledge receipt or? - To confirm whether ...
  • 跳到 This is a friendly reminder that there is ongoing Stop Sales request in ... - "Pl...
    Do i say kindly acknowledge receipt or? - To confirm whether the ...
  • When someone requests you to confirm the receipt of their mail, he wants you to acknowledg...
    How do I reply formally to an email saying "Please confirm - Quora
  • Therefore, in examining how to write acknowledgement email replies, we may take cues from ...
    How to Write Acknowledgement Email Replies (With Samples) - ...
  • Kindly acknowledge upon receipt of this email? SAVE CANCEL already exists. Would you like ...
    Kindly acknowledge upon receipt of this email? ...
  • “Kindly confirm upon receipt” is the correct sentence. This sentence is asking the recipie...
    Kindly confirm safe receipt or Kindly confirm upon receipt ...
  • Is it OK to say to say (at the end of an email): Please kindly confirm upon reception. Is ...
    kindly confirm upon reception | WordReference Forums
  • Hi, native speakers of English! When I reply to a letter or email saying "Please ackn...
    Please acknowledge receipt of this letteremail - WordReference Forums
  • Hi, native speakers of English! When I reply to a letter or email saying "Please ackn...
    Please acknowledge receipt of this letteremail | ...
  • Hi, native speakers of English! When I reply to a letter or email saying "Please ackn...
    Please acknowledge receipt of this letteremail | WordReference Forums
  • Please acknowledge the receipt of the same. Yours faithfully, General Manager (Works) 2 NO...
    Please acknowledge the receipt of the same.
  • The business language to be used is: Please acknowledge receipt of payment. It is short an...
    single word requests - Can I say 'to acknowledge a payme ...
  • 2006年11月5日 - It means they need you to confirm that you have received something ...
    what is meant by please acknowledge receipt? | Yahoo Answers
  • 2003年10月24日 - Kindly confirm acceptance of our order, and send advice of shipment, ... 現代...
    上述文件| 蘋果日報| 果籽| 名采| 20031024
  • send a receipt by return 寄回收據 expenses and receipts 支出和收入 acknowledge the receipt of (a le...
    香港新浪網 - 字典 - receipt
  • 2010年8月17日 - Depends on who you received it from. If it's from someone you know, then...
    "Please kindly acknowledge receipt of this email message"? | Yahoo ...